Get in touch

For general enquiries or bookings for the Church, Church Hall or rooms please contact Sue by emailing or through the form on this page.

For any other matters, contact the Rev. Anne Bourne at or by phone on 07512734224.

We have recently seen an increase in phishing emails claiming to originate from St Luke’s Church or Rev Anne.
Please do not respond to these emails and only ever contact us using trusted details.

As a church we take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of us all whether they are in the communities in which we live or part of our Christian family.

If you have a concern regarding a child, young person or adult who may be at risk of harm please speak to our Parish Safeguarding Officer (Ros Ward on 01959 525638), one of the clergy or our Church Wardens. If you or someone you are concerned about is in immediate danger, please telephone the police on 999 o the diocesan safeguarding adviser whose details are below:

Lead diocesan safeguarding advisor: Greg Barry 01634 560000 or 07585 952174;
Outside of this, you can contact thirtyone:eight at any time on 0303 003 11 11.

View our formal safeguarding statement or the parish safeguarding handbook.

Information about how victims and survivors can report abuse within the Church, where to gain support, and links to local services