About Us


The parish of St Luke’s is part of the newly formed West Sevenoaks Team, with St Mary Kippington and St Mary Riverhead with Dunton Green.

St Luke’s parish includes several key locations: Sevenoaks District Council Offices, the railway station and the Emily Jackson care home. We have good connections within the town and our worship follows a mid-Anglican, attracting a congregation from a wide area.

Children & Young People

Junior Church

On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month during school terms, children aged between 3 and 11 attend Junior Church in the Hall while the main Eucharist Service is being held. They return to church during communion to receive a blessing.

At the end of the service the children and their leaders share what activities they have done in Junior Church with the congregation.

Tiny Ones Together Service (TOTS)

This is held on Tuesday mornings in the Parish Room for pre-school children and parents, grandparents or carers.

Children and their carers join in singing, listen to a story, and say a short prayer before playing with an assortment of toys whilst the adults chat with drinks and biscuits.


St Luke’s welcomes everyone and our church is accessible to all. There are disabled parking spaces at the front of church and the entrance to both the church and hall are accessible by wheelchair. We also have a disabled toilet on the entrance level and a hearing loop is operaitonal within the Church.